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Unutulmamas? gereken sair bir i? ise; tan?mlanan her ‘case’ den sonras?nda ‘break’ komutu ile sonland?r?p yeni bir ‘case’ tan?mlamam?z laz?m.
Note: Even though the nested switch statement is allowed, it is not recommended by Microsoft to use nested switch state
Program A, B yahut C harflerinden birisini girmenizi gerek. Sonra, girdi?iniz harfi switch laf?b? derunin te?hismlanm?? olan cd de?i?çilikkenine atayarak case sat?rlar?nda arsa düz harflerle önla?t?r?r.
The constant pattern tests whether the match expression equals a specified co
switch case Deyimi Programlamada kullan?lan switch-case deyimini C# dilini kullanarak makalemizde anlat?yoruz.
The constant pattern tests whether the match expression equals a specified constant. In the case of a constant pattern, the case statement is followed by a constant value.